Relationship Groups; Saving your marriage

Creating and cultivating healthy relationship is a two part process; first learning how to have a healthy relationship with the self, and then manifesting reciprocal behaviors with others.

The goal of the Relationship groups; Saving your marriage serries is to help members be more intentional in interpersonal relationships while providing psycho-education and support.

Relationship Groups
Relationship Groups and Couples Therapy.

Relationship Groups are very popular form of therapy in the modern world. Group therapy is an effective form of psychotherapy that is based on interdependence and interaction among the group members who mutually disclose personal challenges and issues in their relationships during group sessions.

Relationship Groups
Relationship Groups

The focus of the Relationship Groups; Saving your marriage series is to regain confidence in your communication with your partner. It’s based on the premise of interpersonal learning. The process serves as the agent of change.  The group presents realistic challenges to maladaptive interpersonal belief systems and behavioral patterns via feedback from participants and encouragement to experiment with healthier alternative behaviors, first within the group and then outside the group.

According to Irvin Yalom (2005) the following is s brief list of the benefits group psychotherapy can provide.

Universality – feeling of having problems similar to others, not alone.

Altruism – helping and supporting others.

Instillation of hope – encouragement that  recovery is possible.

Guidance – nurturing support & assistance.

Imparting information – teaching about problem and recovery.

Developing social skills – learning new ways to talk about feelings, observations. and concerns.

Interpersonal learning – finding out about themselves & others from the group.


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