Outpatient Drug Rehab and Counseling are based on the client’s desires and are built on the strengths of the client. Because everyone has a unique story and experience, we strategically identify a method of Counseling tailored to the individual.
Due to the events of the year 2020 many facilities have had to adapt their programs to deal with the varieties of precautions that are now necessary due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Whereas our Outpatient Drug Rehab Programs used to always be done in person, AACS Counseling has changed with the time and moved into the future of treatment during times of health uncertainty. I am simply referring to the new treatment modality referred to as virtual. Virtual Conferencing has mad Outpatient Drug Rehab doable for just about anyone anywhere. If you are afraid to leave home due to the uncertainty of the world and you health then we can provide you with the tools to safely combat issues of substance use from the comfort of your own home. All of our sessions are available in either a real life setting or virtually. We follow the guidelines placed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and abide by the guidelines of whatever state you may find us in. Do not let the pandemic be as reason that you do not seek treatment.
Contrary to popular belief you do not have to be an extremely depressed, abused, or mentally broken individual to find yourself in the throes of a substance use issue. Most people will start and eventually find themselves out of control when the only thing they were dealing with was the fact that they were bored. “Idle hands are the devil’s workshop” as some would say. Or perhaps you had a car accident and were given some pain killers to help you with the intensity of the hurt you were feeling. Maybe when you took them for the first time they fixed more than just the aches and pains. A month or two down the line and taking one pill every four hours isn’t doing it anymore, and now you know you can’t lie and tell the doctor your dog ate your prescription so you find someone from your work who you think might be able to help you find some a street pharmacy. There are many ways to begin but few ways to finish. Let AACS Counseling start you on the journey to freedom. Call us to start your Outpatient Drug Rehab at 800-683-7745 today.