Immigration Hardship waivers are a procedure which can be started when an individual is found to be “inadmissible” and is being denied a visa or is in the process of being deported. The USCIS or U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services can grant a request for this type of dilemma to be looked at and hopefully overturned. The following are some reasons for inadmissibility that an individual might encounter.
Personal Considerations these considerations can include the separation of a father or mother from his children or the separation of a wife from their husband.
Here at AACS Counseling it is important to note that the work of the evaluation and assessment is just one portion of the work needed for a waiver such as this to succeed. The assessment will need to be given to an immigration lawyer who can handle the court proceedings involved in this type of scenario. AACS Counseling will do their utmost to work hand in hand with any immigration lawyer that our clients have been working with. We also work with a number of different firms that we can suggest in order to find a perfect fit for your situation, monetary allowances, and time frames. A great deal of trust and honesty is a standard requirement so that all parties involved in your case can work together seamlessly so that your life does not get thrown off course due to some unforeseen circumstances.
If you or someone you know has been found inadmissible and is searching for an Immigration Hardship Waiver, then please call AACS Counseling at 800-683-7745 today.