Mental Health Assessment | Court Approved | AACS Counseling

Mental Health Assessment

Mental Health Assessment

Mental Health Evaluations are done by a doctor, counselor, or psychologist with the hopes of either identifying a mental health disorder or the lack of one. There are several reasons why an individual may need to undergo a Mental Health Evaluation which could include a court order or simply the variety of mental disorders that can present themselves in a person’s lifetime. Mental Health Evaluations can be done by a number of different qualified professionals which are included in the following list:

Now that you have found someone capable of giving you a Mental Health Evaluation you may be asking yourself what do these things diagnose? Mental Health Evaluations are capable of diagnose a variety Mental Health Disorders which include but are not limited to the following:
Mental Health Assessment
Mental Health Evaluations are extremely useful in figuring out the reasons a person thinks, acts, feels, and remembers in the ways that they do. They can also determine whether an individual may have a co-occurring disorder such as depression and a substance use disorder. Furthermore, a Mental Health
Evaluation is useful in figuring out whether the mental issue is not stemming from some sort of physical problem such as a traumatic brain injury or a thyroid issue.
There can be a certain amount of stigma or judgement associated with a Mental Health Evaluation which should not have any place in the client’s mind prior to receiving one. Just as a Mental Health Evaluation can diagnose a disorder like schizophrenia, it can also figure out if an individual has no diagnosis. What this means is that a Mental Health Evaluation can be done and is done on all the gambit of individuals on this planet. Just because you have been asked to do one does not mean you are crazy. Normally someone asking for a Mental Health Evaluation to be done just wants the most accurate and comprehensive version of an assessment done.
Mental Health Evaluation

What signs and symptoms might be occurring that would warrant a Mental Health Evaluation?

At AACS Counseling we use a variety of certified and evidence-based tests to help our evaluators properly diagnose an individual. These tests include the following:

Some other things to have at the ready before your evaluation can include the following:
Make sure you have ample time to complete the Mental Health Evaluation. Normally these can range from anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half. Also be sure to fill out your intake forms truthfully and completely. Having all of your paperwork completed prior to your evaluation will be the key to you getting a copy soon after you have finished.
Mental Health Evaluations are done to see what recommendation may be given to you to help your particular situation. Be sure to ask your evaluator to explain exactly what they are expecting from you so that there is no confusion moving forward. Evaluations typically have an expiration date so be sure to ask your evaluator about this as well. If your evaluation expires you will be required to get a new one in order to complete whatever recommendation you have received.

Finally, be sure to take a deep breath and relax. At AACS Counseling we are here to help you be the best version of yourself possible, so if the beginning of the rest of your life starts right now then let us be the catalyst by which you make all of your dreams realities and all of your hindrances things of the past. Call AACS Counseling at 800-683-7745 to book a Mental Health Evaluation today.

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